Articles, Press Releases, Publications
DAC 53, Austin, TX June 2016
Dawn breaking over Austin
Main Aisle
- DAC 53 -
Austin Convention Center
June 06, 2016
DAC 53 - DAY 1
An intense technical conversation
DAC Day One
Many software demos are given
Early Morning
Beginning the Third Day
June 08, 2016
Dusk settles over Austin
Lovely closing to a busy day
DAC Day 3
Fire Alarm! and Full Evacuation
A Firetruck outside ACC
Fire response was very quick
DAC Day 3
MMI President Santoro
Giving a demo featuring Analog
Official Bagpipers
Bagpipes traditionally close DAC
“Tezzaron has taped out over 100 3D chips using MMI’s MAX-3D tool suite. There’s nothing to compare, and the new TSV placer & MAX-3D Path Finder are incredible.”
Robert Patti, VP/CTO, Tezzaron Semiconductor
“This is one of the few tools that can deal with multiple levels of hierarchy and multiple tech files all at the same time, and it is awesome for visualization of complex things like, say, PDN mesh across multiple die and interposers. Fantastic! I like it!”
Riko Radojcic, Director of Design for Silicon Initiatives, Qualcomm